Ashurst Children's Centre

Our licensed group daycare serves up to 24 children from ages 0-6 in the community.  Our certified staff is experienced in working with families with complex histories and is committed to all children.

Food Centre

We offer hot meals, emergency food distribution, while operating a Mobile Food Centre and community garden. The Food Centre is a place where people gather to share a meal and meet with community members and other service providers.

Better at Home

Our team provides supports to help older adults remain in their own homes and stay connected with their community. Supports include friendly visits, meals on wheels, transportation, yard work, grocery shopping and minor home repairs and housekeeping.

Community Connections

Our team is working to lessen the impacts of poverty on individuals and families. By supporting individuals, we believe the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities will improve. 

Healthy Start

This program is dedicated to improving the health and social development of pregnant women and their children.  Our activities are focused on healthy child development, food-based learning, community building and individualized supports. 

Education & Advocacy

Our team provides a variety of poverty reduction and food security initiatives at the Provincial and local levels.  We also offer service provider training in FASD and trauma-informed practice.

Get In Touch



125 - First Avenue, Burns Lake, BC


The Link offers programs and services on the territories of the Wet’suwet’en, Dakelh and Nedut’en peoples.