The Food Centre
We provide programs and services focused on food security and poverty reduction in our community.
We are located at 788 Centre Street, across from the hospital.

Our Services

Emergency Food Distribution
We are open Tuesdays and Thursdays for distribution at the Food Centre.

Mobile Food Centre
We travel south across Francois Lake to Danskin and Grassy Plains on alternating Wednesdays. Please call the Food Centre for scheduled dates.

Community Garden
Volunteers and school children grow fresh veggies for meals and distribution.

Food Recovery
We collect and sort food destined for the land fill. This food is distributed to people in need. It is also used for animal feed and compost.

Local Food Purchasing
We purchase high quality, locally produced food when available.

Senior Programs
We ensure that food supports are tailored for seniors in the community.

Hot Meals
Food Centre visitors can share a hot, nutritious meal when available.

After The Bell
We provide backpacks full of healthy food for children who may be facing food insecurity outside of school.

Community Partners
Our team works with other service providers to ensure that everyone in our community has access to food supports.

Food Skills
We deliver gardening, food preparation and storage classes and workshops.
Get In Touch
125 - First Avenue, Burns Lake, BC
The Link offers programs and services on the territories of the Wet’suwet’en, Dakelh and Nedut’en peoples.